Relocating to a new country can be an overwhelming experience. There are many things to consider and organize before and after arrival. With the help of NextLink’s relocation services, the process can be much smoother and less stressful. Here we will explore why relocation services are crucial for people arriving in Finland and how to implement successful relocation services for people moving to Finland.
As mentioned, relocation to Finland is not automatically just peanuts and straightforward process. For instance, we have heard examples where companies have only sent links to new employees about information regarding the visa and residence permit processes and said the dates when new employees should be in Finland. You can guess whether the employees ever arrived in Finland. No they did not.
4 crucial matters to concentrate in relocations
1. Legal requirements and paperwork
One of the most challenging aspects of moving to a new country is dealing with legal requirements and paperwork. This is true as the bureaucratic systems can be complex and confusing. For instance, there are many important documents, which need to be legalized and submitted in the right format in order to successfully make visa and residence permit applications. Relocation services can provide valuable assistance in navigating the various forms, permits, and other requirements needed to establish new life in Finland.
2. Housing and accommodation
Finding suitable housing is another challenge for those moving to a new country. In Finland, the housing market is competitive, with limited availability and high prices in some areas. Of course it is possible to find great apartments, but it can take time and resources, in which case relocation services can be a real asset.
3. Cultural differences and daily life
Adjusting to a new culture and language can be difficult if a person has little or no prior experience with the country. Relocation services can provide valuable insights into Finnish culture and habits, helping the newcomer to adapt more quickly and comfortably to new surroundings. Through relocation services, the newcomer has ready local contacts who can help with communication and get into a daily life in the new country.
4. Integration into new society
Moving to a new country can be an isolating experience, particularly if a person does not know anyone in the new location. The absence of a safety net can also create challenges and uncertainty during the first months in a new country. Thus, it is important to have people who can help to connect with local expat communities, social clubs, and other groups to help newcomer feel more integrated and connected. The right kind of support helps people adapt to the new country and feel welcome. This is one of the most important things to consider in relocation. When a person is offered support and a welcoming environment is created in the new country, the person is also more likely to stay in the new country for a long time.
How NextLink implements Relocation Services for people arriving to Finland?
NextLink has developed a three-step process for relocation. Personalized service and real caring are emphasized at every step of the process. See below NextLink’s model and important points regarding the implementation:
1. Country of Origin
This stage largely involves getting to know the person being relocated. It is important to clearly go through the entire relocation process and make a schedule so that the process can be carried out smoothly. At this stage, potential apartments are screened and presented to the person being relocated. Apartment screening starts immediately, because finding an apartment is one of the most time-consuming parts of relocation. NextLink has comprehensive networks in Finland for finding apartments. Thanks to the networks, either a furnished or an unfurnished apartment can be arranged for the person being relocated.
NextLink is able to respond to each case in a unique way and organize the apartment according to the needs of the person. Thanks to our local knowledge and networks, we are able to organize apartments where people can enjoy themselves for a long time. The apartment is arranged as soon as the person arrives in Finland, so that the person does not have to spend nights in a hotel, which would increase costs and discomfort of relocation.
2. Entry stage
This is one of the most critical stage in the relocation process. NextLink makes all applications from start to finish with the person to be relocated and makes sure that the person has the necessary documents for a visa and residence permit applications. The documents must also be legalized in the right way and they must be in the right format so that the applications can be made efficiently. NextLink also plans a schedule, so that the person to be relocated has time for e.g. to go identify themselves within the timeframe.
This is a stage where major delays can occur if applications are made incorrectly or if parts are missing, but when you know what to do and how to make the applications, the process goes smoothly. So far, NextLink has been able to get a residence permit for a person to be relocated in a week at the fastest, and at the longest the process has taken two weeks.
3. Actions in Finland
In this last stage, we help people with important things in Finland. When the person arrives in Finland, we pick them up from the airport and take them to their new home. We help a person get a personal ID, tax card, bank account, insurances and register to Kela. If the person has a family, we help the children get school places and the spouse with career guidance. However, we also offer two months of support to people after they arrive in Finland. This support includes assistance with daily living, integration into society, but above all that the persons feel welcome and that they belong to their new country. These are not just beautiful words about support, but concrete actions. For instance, we have taken people who have arrived in Finland to lunch / dinner and show them places, in order to make settling into the new country as great experience as possible!
Here are NextLink’s Co-Founder Julius’ thoughts on NextLink’s relocation process:
“In every relocation process, we have two clients, the one who hires a new employee and the person to be relocated. From the beginning, we have wanted to create a personalized experience with relocation services, because we understand that we are on the verge of a big thing when a person moves to a new country. NextLink doesn’t just want to get things done, instead NextLink wants to create an outstanding experience about working with them”.
Relocations should not be approached with the attitude of just getting it out of the way and getting mandatory stuff done. A smooth relocation experience is very important for the adaptation and motivation of the new employee. With the help of well implemented relocation services, the person adapts to the new country faster and is also likely to stay in the new country and organization longer. Among other companies NextLink offers relocation services in Finland. However, it is not only about offering and implementing services. When choosing a relocation service partner, you should focus on choosing a company which is offering a comprehensive package with great personalized service.
Summarized thoughts from Julius:
“We want to make possible to build international teams, and that is why relocation services are the cornerstone of our services. We enjoy helping people and the fact that we are privileged to be part of something that really has meaning in people’s lives. On the other hand, we want to make relocation cool. Many may have a bureaucratic and rigid view about the relocation process, but when working with NextLink, we want to create a fresh and cool experience about relocation”.